about the author

The author is a retired nurse. She enjoys painting as a pastime and has painted the illustrations for this book. She has only recently started writing children’s books; this is her first book. The author was born in Northern Ireland where she still lives today.

about the book

NettyNoo is a baby cow. She lives on a farm with her mum. She has no brothers or sisters and she loves to go on adventures to meet new friends. Her mum likes to help her; she doesn’t want her to be alone. She is happy to see her having fun and meeting new friends to play with.


A new online shopping website

I am glad to announce a new online shopping website. Featuring a range of bright and colourful t-shirts for children aged 2-6 years. T-shirts branded with NettyNoo logo and showing all the character ........

Annoucement: First book reading today at 4.30 pm.

I am delighted to announce that l am giving my first book reading today at 4.30 pm. The wonderful Children’s Reading Revolution group have allowed me this opportunity, to bring NettyNoo to a wider ........

NettyNoo is now available in Libraries NI

Delighted to announce that Libraries NI have acquired copies of The adventures of NettyNoo for their libraries, I am really grateful for their support.


NettyNoo – A big Thank to the Newry Reporter newspaper

NettyNoo A big Thank to the Newry Reporter newspaper. This is a picture of the latest article highlighting the publication of NettyNoo. I hope this helps readers know that the book is available in ........


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